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What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, the Latin word tinnitus meaning "ringing", is the perception of sound within the human ear when no actual sound is present. It is typically described as ringing, whistling, hissing, buzzing, music or humming. The severity of tinnitus varies greatly from person to person and it can also change in loudness or pitch from one day to the next.

Tinnitus in its mildest form is extremely common and almost everyone will experience occasional ringing in the ears. About 5% of the adult population in the UK experience persistent or troublesome Tinnitus that can have a negative effect on their quality of life. 


Tinnitus is not a disease, but a condition that can result from a wide range of underlying causes: neurological damage (multiple sclerosis), ear infections, oxidative stress, foreign objects in the ear, nasal allergies that prevent (or induce) fluid drain, wax build-up, and exposure to loud sounds.


There are some factors that can make the condition worse, including stress, anxiety, depression and tiredness. Tinnitus itself can cause anxiety, stress and sleep deprivation and may sometimes create the feeling of being trapped in a vicious cycle.



How is it treated?

The majority of sufferers endure an acute phase of distress when the problem begins, followed by an improvement over time.  But for a minority of patients the distress is on-going, and they will require specialist support.


We can do a comprehensive Tinnitus assessment and develop personalised management strategies and advice to ease your condition.


There are several products currently available that can help with the relief and management of the condition. Some products help by distracting you from the condition; some help by recalibrating the way the brain works; some try to correct the problem that originally caused the Tinnitus.

© Farnham Hearing
The information on this site is for information only, and is not meant to substitute the advice of your own physician or other medical professional.

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